Trying to decide what to post and publish? Start here.
Below you’ll find a quick reference list for what cities are required to post and/or publish.
This list is not a comprehensive resource for all posting and publishing requirements, specifically election-related items.
Get more details about posting and publishing requirements in the Calendar of Important Dates information memo (pdf).
What do these terms mean?
Post: Hang a notice on the city’s principal bulletin board.
Publish: Publish in the city’s official newspaper, typically within 30 days.
Learn what qualifies as an official newspaper in the Newspaper Publication information memo.
Digital Options
Websites, email and other digital tools may be used as an additional method for distributing information, though this is not required as part of any statute. Digital tools should not be used in place of an official bulletin board or print newspaper.
Post or Publish?
Post or Publish? Publish. (Population over 1,000)
Notes: As an alternative to publication, the city may mail, at city expense, a copy of the information to any resident upon request. Cities with a population of less than 1,000 are not required to comply with this section, but may do so at their discretion.
Reference: Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd. 3
Post or Publish? Both actions required.
Notes: May publish a summary if approved by 4/5 vote of Council. If summary is published, must post full text in community library, or other location if no library.
Reference: Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd. 4
Post or Publish? Neither action required.
Notes: Certain types, such as HRA- and EDA-enabling resolutions, may have publication requirements.
References: Minn. Stat. § 469.003, subd. 2; Minn Stat. § 469.093, subd. 1
Meeting Notices
Post or Publish? Post.
Notes: Timelines vary based on the type of meeting.
Reference: Minn. Stat. § 13D.04
Advertisement for Bids
Post or Publish? Publish.
Notes: Required for any project subject to the competitive bidding law.
Reference: Minn. Stat. § 471.345, subd. 3.
Summary Budget Statement
Post or Publish? Publish.
Notes: Option to mail or put in city newsletter instead.
Reference: Minn. Stat. § 471.6965
Annual Financial Statement
Post or Publish? Publish.
Notes: Cities under 2,500 population and without a qualifying newspaper may post instead.
References: Minn. Stat. § 471.697, subd. 1(a).; Minn. Stat. § 471.698, subd. 1(c) and 1(c)(2)
Municipal Liquor Store Balance Sheet
Post or Publish? Publish.
Reference: Minn. Stat. § 471.6985, subd. 1.
TIF Annual Statement
Post or Publish? Publish.
Minn. Stat. § 469.175, subd. 5.
OSHA 300A Summary
Post or Publish? Post.
Notes: Required for cities with over 10 employees.
Reference: OSHA Recordkeeping
Job Openings
Post or Publish? Generally—neither is required.
Notes: It is best practice to set and follow a policy on which city positions will be posted and/or advertised.
Reference: HR Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (pdf)