Intercultural Development Inventory FAQs
Q1. What is Intercultural Development Inventory?
The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is an online cross-cultural assessment of intercultural competence. It measures how an individual interacts, and works with, people from different cultural backgrounds. “Culture” can be thought of as the various customs, traditions, values, and beliefs of groups that influence the way individuals experience and move through the world.
The IDI is a theory-based assessment of intercultural competence that provides single individuals or groups with customized profile results. For group assessments, individual results are used to provide organizations with group data without revealing individual’s identities. The results indicate the individual’s/organization’s position along an
IDI enables an individual or organization to build intercultural competence which can help with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals. The IDI is only given by a Qualified IDI Administrator.
Q2. When can we use IDI?
According to IDI, LLC, the IDI is used most frequently in three core areas:
- For individual feedback.
- For group/team feedback.
- For assessments, evaluation, or benchmarking.
The inventory could be used to assess where an organization or targeted group’s cultural competence currently is. This information can be used to help identify gaps to guide training and support needs. It can also be used as a baseline measurement to assess the effectiveness of improvement efforts. The inventory could also be used as an assessment of cultural competence for individuals to identify gaps and create intercultural development plans.
Some examples of when a city might want to bring the IDI into its work: professional development for employees around DEI, teambuilding, preparing for difficult conversations internally or externally.
Q3. How can we get a Qualified IDI Administrator to administer the IDI to all our employees?
The IDI website provides more general information about the IDI. Learn more about IDI.
You can find IDI Qualified Administrators in your region on the IDI QA database.
There are costs associated with hiring a consultant to administer IDI or training an employee to become a Qualified IDI Administrator. Consulting costs may vary depending on level of service requested. There is also a cost per individual to take the online survey. Get more information about IDI pricing